VSA&NT is seeking an experienced full-time Program Coordinator to deliver our Volunteer Management Activity program objectives across South Australia.
Small grants for volunteer involving organisations
Volunteering SA&NT is the go-to organisation for volunteering in South Australia and the Northern Territory. Our role is to champion the volunteering community by supporting individuals, businesses and organisations. Working together we can make a difference.
Commissioned by Volunteering SA&NT, this comprehensive report offers a timely overview of the State of Volunteering in SA in 2023.
When preparing for, and after a disaster is over, volunteers may be required to assist with recovery. Register your interest to become a volunteer today.
Volunteering SA&NT is the go-to organisation for volunteering in South Australia and the Northern Territory. Our role is to champion the volunteering community by supporting individuals, businesses and organisations. Working together we can make a difference.
I’m a volunteer
So you’d like to volunteer? Great. We have lots of tips and opportunities to start volunteering.
I engage volunteers
We can make things easier for volunteer involving organisations with beneficial advice and useful contacts to help things run smoothly for you.
Corporate volunteering
We welcome businesses looking to get involved and create rewarding experiences. If you’re not sure where to start, this is the place.
Resources Hub
There’s a wealth of information in the ‘Resources Hub’ to make life easier for volunteers, volunteer involving organisations and businesses.
Benefits of membership
This enlightening video features volunteer involving organisations sharing their experiences with Volunteering SA&NT’s corporate volunteer program, which is part of our membership benefits. Rikki Cooke of Treasure Boxes, a not-for-profit which supports disadvantaged children, talks of her partnership with Volunteering SA&NT, while Rachael Saywell of Schneider Electric gives a business perspective.
A lot has been happening lately. Find out the latest in the world of volunteering across SA and NT.
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